“The Little Man”
[audio: http://radioghost.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/LittleMan.mp3]
So let’s pray for the little man high on the mountain
We have these wishes, can’t find the fountain
Pray for the little man lost in the forest
He sings the verses, we sing the chorus
This is more of a song fragment, but I got close to finishing it so I thought I’d just put it out there. It also almost seems like a church song, maybe just cause of the invocation to “pray”…but I was really just trying to work on a piece to accompany a story I’m writing where Sherwin gets lost in the woods…it’s too reverent though…too churchy…
I have a lot of unfinished songs. It doesn’t usually bother me to just let them go incomplete. But every once in a while I wonder if I’m just giving up too early…maybe I’m just not hanging out with it long enough? Cause you do have to hang out with a song for a little while sometimes and explore. Try out different things. I guess there’s no answer to that. But the Little Man song is a typical fragment. One part with some flourishes, but no good second part.