The Bellwether Dispatch 2

“In which Sherwin details the aftermath following the release of the first postcard.”

“The Bellwether Dispatch” can best be understood by listening to “The Bellwether Dispatch” either below or, better yet, through subscription to the AMV podcast on itunes. In fact, certain clues may be buried within the audio stories themselves.

A Number of Things to Note:

1. There are currently 36 Dispatchers. The First Postcard has been dispatched and should be arriving early in the week.
2. Only one person has solved the Online Postcard mystery and emailed the secret word. A Collector Card has been sent off to this person and – to be clear how this works – if that person manages to collect all 4 cards (despite doing so virtually), they will be the Grand Prize winner.
3. Two people – that I know of – have discovered the location of the actual treasure – but they have not yet secured it.
4. The first treasure site will feature an endless supply of rare coins and Collector Cards. The second treasure site will be more limited, 20 coins and 20 Cards. The third will have less of each and for Grand Prize purposes, the final treasure site will feature only one Collector Card.
5. I believe this Treasure Hunt will take some time before all the cards are found and collected. So feel free to begin whenever you like.
6. Hint for the Online Postcard: Examine the properties.
7. Real treasure hint: see the photo below. The treasure is somewhere in there. FullSizeRender (2)

Direct Download

6 thoughts on “The Bellwether Dispatch 2

  1. I really liked the line about Stanly Acres’ words pecking like wild birds feasting at your hat. Very great imagery/wording.

    Just got my postcard in the snail mail. Made my day! Thanks, Mr. Sleeves.

    Have a great week!

  2. Most enjoyable Mr. Sleeves! Would it be possible for you to supply a direct download link for the first part of the first week? Not having iTunes makes it impossible for me to archive the current reenactment of the original Bellwether Dispatch… and as you know (or may not know) I am a keeper, collector and general archiver of all things. Thank you

    1. Bob ยป Dear Bob the Archiving Dispatcher – I have added a “Direct Download Link” to the first BD post. All future posts will include such!

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