In which Sherwin hatches a foul plan to catch the girl in the sack cloth – and comes to learn of a boy in a dirty sheet.
Let me also apologize for the delay. Sean has been – and will be for the next few months – in Chicago doing strange work about which I know very little. But this has left him little time for me and this – and though I’ve chided him, though I’ve warned him, though I have sent him angry notes and pleading notes and in one instance a packet of chocolates, he has remained obscurely busy. But he says he will do his best – and so we shall see. I should note that obviously he has been finally helpful enough to get this episode finished – and for that I am thankful.
I am back on twitter. You may find me @sherwinsleeves.
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Earlier episodes of “Atoms, Motion & the Void” can be found here.