“In which Sherwin details the aftermath following the release of the first postcard.” “The Bellwether Dispatch” can best be understood by listening to “The Bellwether Dispatch” either below or, better yet, through subscription to the AMV podcast on itunes. In fact, certain clues may be buried within the audio stories themselves. A Number of Things …

The Bellwether Dispatch 2Read More »


Goodbye to my favorite radio show…when it was rolling it was the best thing ever. One amazing thing that Ron did – and I think he did this with other listeners and fans…when I was doing my play, he secretly drove out 5 hours from NYC and sat in the front row. Here’s a little …

YMBRead More »

“In which Sherwin’s quest to understand the arcane use of a peculiar clock leads to an awful discovery on Paradox Mountain.” Music by Sherwin Sleeves and Angel Olsen. This is Part One of “The Fingerprints of the Fallen Down – A Metaphysical Murder Mystery”. [yendifplayer type=audio mp3=http://www.atomsmotion.com/uploads/amv48.mp3] Quicktime or Download Subscribe to the podcast on …

AMV#48 – The Whippoorwill to ParadoxRead More »

And here is last night’s live recording of WPMR: [audio: http://www.atomsmotion.com/uploads/whisperpraylive.mp3] Quicktime or Download Thanks again to my radio friends who provided calls, Dr. Steve, GVAC, the Blowhard, Mikeyboy, Tall James, Rick Ganley from NHPR, and many others (I’ve lost my list of who’s who – if I didn’t thank you, please let me know). …

“Whisper, Pray, Make Room” Listen or DownloadRead More »